Observational Practicum:

During observations, we chose to take a picture together every day. When I get caught up in thinking that teaching may be this isolating experience, I remind myself that there are wonderful women who are walking this same path with me. Education is all about relationships, inside and outside of the classroom.

Experiential Practicum:

I was struggling with what I should share with you about my first practicum. It was a short three weeks that forever changed me. I did not realize that I could build a connection with a group of students and faculty so quickly. They were this wonderful group that was happy to share how they felt about my teaching and guide me where I was maybe a little lost. I chose to share this report because I consider one of my strongest values to be transparency. I am not a perfect teacher, and will hopefully never be a perfect teacher. If I am lucky, my future practicums will be filled with students willing to push me out of my comfort zone and help me discover new weaknesses.


Formative Practicum:

A few images of the joyful chaos that was my 4-week practicum 🙂

Summative Practicum:

