When I consider experiential learning, I think of that hands-on getting dirty, in the thick of it kind of learning. I think that the education process to become a teacher MUST have a strong experiential learning component which is seen through practicum, as well as the Pro-D opportunities provided. I have been lucky enough the experience a great deal of experiential learning in my life, and I hope to deliver opportunities to my students in the future as well. My early learning years were filled with opportunities to try things. You only have to try it once: one day, week, or season. I believe that wholeheartedly and have carried that on. I participated in one (a few games) season of slow-pitch. I was able to go to a few days of Epic Jr. and learn about land-based education.

There have been so many different things that I have done that I realize now would be considered experiential learning, and those are mostly the key things that have shaped me as a teacher, and community member, and have defined me as Karlea.